Technical Due Diligence

Technology is the fastest moving sector. We work to harness the knowledge and help understand future potential.


Every company is a technology company. We help you understand where they are, where they are going and how to get there. Our technology team are expert CTOs and still active technologists and coders. They understand how systems work, and the challenges in tech companies, while being able to speak directly with the platform engineers to create a bridge and understanding of the technology.


Our Lead Technologist: Alex Judd.

Alex has a career spanning over 30 years including setting up and running a number of businesses and being the CTO of a successful technology agency (Skywire London). Still an active developer today, he understands all forms of technology.

Why do you need technical diligence?

Our eight-point guide to the reasons you need technical due diligence.

Latest Technical Case Study

Read our latest technical due diligence case study.