Cyber Security Due Diligence

Auditing digital assets, platforms and data to understand and ensure the security of systems as part of the M&A Process.

Cyber Security is central to due diligence projects. It is understanding the current state of data and platform security, potential gaps and the continuity planning in place if a cyber attack is initiated on the target company.


Cyber Due diligence, what is it, and why is it needed? 

Cyber attacks and challenges are escalating for all sizes of companies. They may be inevitable and almost impossible to mitigate, but with careful planning and preparation, cyber attacks can be managed, and the company can recover quickly, both operational and with its reputation intact. 

What is Cyber Due Diligence? 

Cyber due diligence ensures that potential acquisition targets' digital assets are secure and protected from possible online attacks. While no company is 100% safe, a company is legally required to shield its and its client's data. During the due diligence process, our independent cyber security experts work with the more comprehensive due diligence team to ensure digital assets are stress tested to discover potential gaps in digital platforms, tools and data. 

Cyber due diligence works alongside traditional digital, commercial and legal due diligence and runs in parallel. 

The final cyber security report also gives recommendations on a sliding scale of importance on security updates in the first 100 days post-investment. 

What does Cyber Security Cover:  

Our Cyber Security due diligence looks a the full spectrum of digital and data assets, including: 

  • Platform security and integrity.

  • Latest security patches and best practice.

  • Connection and potential vulnerabilities. 

  • Data management. 

  • GDPR Compliance. 

  • Ethical hacking - we also have a select team of ethical hackers to prod and test systems' security to find security floors in their online platforms. 

Joshua Gibbs - Global Cybersecurity Expert

Extensive experience working across startups, large Corporations, and the UK government's cybersecurity centre of excellence.

As a software and security engineer Joshua possesses deep technical knowledge across Vulnerability Management, Cloud Security, Network Analysis, Big Data, IT Architecture, Social Engineering, and Risk.

Joshua is the CEO of Tribe Security, a company that specialises in Cybersecurity Due Diligence, and understands that throughout the due diligence process it is critical to align the commercial objectives of the business with the technology and risks that are fundamental to operational success.

A recognised Cybersecurity expert and software engineer, he has served as a guest Cybersecurity researcher within the North Carolina Research Triangle, and speaker at the University of Leicester, and University of Lynchburg, Virginia.

Joshua holds professional memberships with the British Computer Society (MBCS), is Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), and in Cybersecurity (ISC2). Notably, he was also the recipient of the University of Kent’s highest award for his exceptional work in Computational Research.

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Contact us to discuss our Cyber Security practice in further detail.
