Competitor & Vertical Digital Analysis
Understanding the vertical or potential competitor’s is a key area when making a decision on investment. We do a number of different reports to give initial snapshots of the competition or vertical.
Overview of Digital Competitor & Vertical Reports
We have a number of strategic tools we can use to analyses a competitor or verticals digital footprint. Allowing a greater understanding of a companies opportunities and challenges for growth within specific sectors or track and analyse key competitor’s.
We can review all areas of the competitors digital footprint including:
Digital Marketing
Social Media
Technology Platforms
Traffic Analysis
Marketing Spend
Customer Services
Logistics and Delivery
CRM Analysis
Potential projected revenue
UX and conversion analysis
To achieve this we use a multitude of digital data points and create a deep look and understanding of what competitors are achieving or a focus on the key companies in a specific vertical.
We are happy to provide example reports. Please contact us by email here or click to call
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